Throughout the universe, far from home, all human dead will be reanimated to walk again eternally.  Cosmism, a seemingly unkillable philosophy, launches our supernatural, technological, and political history of a modern myth that crystallised in the Cold War and which now has millions of adherents, from unaffiliated believers to extreme cultists to the utopian Trotskyists known as the Posadists. 


Swing down sweet chariots for the mothership connection: it's the Comradio 2021 Halloween Special.  


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The Space Pope 


Episode 18, where we talk about Cosmism in the context of the space race 


Is There A God? (in Russian) - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1932) 


Le Voyage Dans La Lune - George Méliès 


Alien demonology: the Christian roots of the malevolent extraterrestrial in UFO religions and abduction spiritualities - Christopher Partridge (2004) 


Comet Hale-Bopp 


On UFOlogy with Chinese Characteristics and the Fate of Chinese Socialism - Malcolm Thompson (2020) 


Episode 52 - The Illuminazis feat. We Don’t Talk About the Weather 


"Alexa" scene from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 


Sovereignty and the UFO - Alexander Wendt & Raymond Duvall (2008) 


Interview with Alexander Wendt in Vox - Sean Illing (2020) 


Scientist Edward Condon of Colorado University published a scientific study of UFOs  in 1968 


The Drake Equation 


David Halperin on the Hills' abduction experience 


UFOs, Otherness, and Belonging: Identity in Remote Aboriginal Australia - Eirik Saethre (2007) 


I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs, and Apocalypse Communism - A.M. Gittlitz (2020) 


Afrofuturism: where space, pyramids and politics collide - Chardine Taylor-Stone (2014) 


Parliament Funkadelic - The Mothership Connection (Halloween, 1976)  


Further reading

Tsiolkovsky, Russian Cosmism and Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Lytkin et al (1994) UFOs and the US intelligence community - Charles A. Ziegler (2008) 


The Roswell Myth in the FBI Files: Aliens, UFOs, and the Cold War - Anna Wortman (2004) 


Afrofuturism, science fiction, and the history of the future - Lisa Yaszek (2010)

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