Composer Quest: A Songwriting and Music Composition Podcast artwork

Composer Quest: A Songwriting and Music Composition Podcast

166 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 7 years ago - ★★★★★ - 59 ratings

Join the quest! Learn how composers and songwriters create music in this podcast hosted by Minneapolis composer Charlie McCarron. Whether you’re a music composition grad or simply an occasional noodler on a guitar, each guest has a new perspective for you on the creative process of composing and songwriting, along with some concrete ideas to apply to your own music.

Music Arts Performing Arts music composition composing music theory composition songwriting songwriting podcast music composition podcast songwriter music writing
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Minnesota Waterfall Disaster Music with Nick Syman

February 23, 2013 19:00 - 27 minutes - 38 MB

Jazz trombonist Nick Syman has challenged himself to write a large jazz ensemble piece based on the St. Anthony Falls collapse in 1869. Nick talks about how using a story can help you structure an instrumental piece of music. Nick also explains how the tension and release system of Afro-Cuban rhythms can help make more compelling melodies. And finally, we talk about our experience starting and finishing our Cagetones album in one month last February, for the RPM Challenge.

Drum Kit Melodies with Pete James Johnson

February 20, 2013 02:00 - 27 minutes - 37.8 MB

Jazz drummer Pete James Johnson has recently been getting into sampling his dad's old records to make beats for his DJ project Elephane. In this episode of Composer Quest, Pete shares his beat sampling advice, his experiences composing for jazz trio, and his new method of thinking in terms of “melodies“ when he plays a drum solo.

Composing YouTube Soundtracks with Corridor Digital's Sam Gorski

February 16, 2013 18:00 - 27 minutes - 37.9 MB

Sam Gorski and Niko Pueringer have built up a fanbase of nearly 1.5 million YouTube subscribers on their channel, Corridor Digital. Sam writes and produces most of the music within a very short deadline. In this episode of Composer Quest, we talk about what goes into his soundtracks for their video-game-themed short films.

Film Scoring with Hollywood-Bound Will VDC

February 13, 2013 17:00 - 25 minutes - 35.6 MB

Will Van De Crommert produces Hollywood-quality film scores in a humble basement studio at Saint John's University. We talk about composing for film, his portfolio for USC Film School, and how to produce an endorphin-releasing pop tune.

A Composition Seed with Dr. Brian Campbell

February 09, 2013 19:30 - 30 minutes - 42.5 MB

I felt like I was right back in a composition lesson with Dr. Brian Campbell, my former CSB/SJU music professor, when I interviewed him for this episode of Composer Quest. As always, he imparted plenty of wisdom, this time about writing music from a single “seed” and developing that idea. We also talk about form, writing melodies, “robot composers,” and using the Japanese aesthetic of “ma” – silence.

Songwriting Inspiration with Paul Spring

February 06, 2013 19:00 - 43 minutes - 59.9 MB

Paul Spring was destined to be a poet, being raised in a family of English professor parents, and now having six brothers and sisters who are also English teachers. In this episode of Composer Quest, we get to hear live renditions of four new story songs Paul has been working on, from the hilarious “Type II Diabetes” and “St. Cloud Traffic” to an edgy but thoughtful song trying to make sense of the tragic Newtown, Connecticut school shooting. We also talk about Paul’s self-titled album and th...

Teaching Kids to Compose with Maia Hamann

February 03, 2013 12:00 - 35 minutes - 48.5 MB

This episode, I talk with my girlfriend, Maia Hamann, about how she teaches her young students to compose music. She explains her strategy of breaking music down into individual elements, something all composers could benefit from. Maia shares tips on composing for bassoon. We also get to hear about her unique experience studying Somali music.

The Okee Dokee Brothers' Joe Mailander on kindie songwriting

January 30, 2013 02:00 - 36 minutes - 50.7 MB

I think there's a good chance Joe Mailander will win a Grammy for Best Children’s Album. He and his fellow Okee Dokee Brother Justin Lansing took a trip down the Mississippi river to write some beautiful bluegrass songs for their album Can You Canoe?. We talk about Joe's philosophies on deceptively simple songwriting, work ethic as a DIY musician, and involving the audience. Joe also performs a new Okee Dokee Brothers song called "Echo," which will be a part of their upcoming Appalachian adve...

Composing for iPhone games with Whitaker Trebella

January 26, 2013 19:00 - 40 minutes - 55.6 MB

In this episode of Composer Quest, I chat with video game musician and coder Whitaker Trebella. He shares his words of wisdom on writing for games, producing chiptune music, and getting composing gigs through Twitter. He also composes an on-the-spot "quickprov" using Logic Pro. Finally, we ponder what would happen if Beethoven was given a laptop. Would he be making dubstep tracks?

How to write a pooping duck robot song with Matt Schubbe

January 23, 2013 15:00 - 30 minutes - 42.1 MB

Matt Schubbe, the graphic designer behind our 8-bit Composer Quest art, is also a songwriter himself! In this episode, we talk about how he writes songs for (and with) his wife, Donna. Matt tends to choose strange lyrical topics, like a kid getting his head stuck in the banister, or the 1739 invention of a pooping duck automaton.

Taking the stage with drummer Luke Friedrich

January 19, 2013 16:00 - 28 minutes - 39.4 MB

Luke Friedrich was too young to carry a musket when he joined his Civil War reenacting unit, so he picked up the fife and drum instead. Now, he plays in more bands than would seem possible, including Crimes, Strange, Rupert Angeleyes, Flowerstalks, Secrets, ThoughtTalk, and his primary songwriting endeavor, Squares. We talk about performing, the music business, and his fascination with horrific lyrical topics.

Composing textures with theater sound designer Kevin Springer

January 16, 2013 15:00 - 29 minutes - 40.3 MB

When does sound become music? That's a line blurred by Kevin Springer's sound art. He designs sound and music for plays, including Tenesse Williams' Summer and Smoke. He has also found a niche for his brand of experimental electronic composing online, and we talk about how he works in this strange musical language.

Catchy dissonance with Nathan Graves

January 12, 2013 13:00 - 54 minutes - 74.7 MB

I talked with my cousin, Nathan Graves, who fronts the band With a Gun for a Face and writes solo music under the name Kurtz. Nate's music is usually pretty dark and dissonant, but strangely catchy. We talk about why avant garde art is important.

Going solo with guitarist Peter Frey

January 09, 2013 21:00 - 33 minutes - 45.6 MB

Kazyak's Peter Frey shares his new, more personal album See the Forest, See the Trees. He also shares his philosophy on soloing, the pros and cons of touring, and his advice on promoting your music.

The art of lyrics with fiction writer Ryan Ruff Smith

January 03, 2013 21:00 - 38 minutes - 53.2 MB

Ryan Ruff Smith and I talk about a bunch of lyric-writing techniques, including seeing the big picture, using subtext, writing as a character, and focusing your song ideas.

Pop music theory with Beatles expert Mitchell Johnson

January 02, 2013 22:00 - 36 minutes - 49.9 MB

Mitchell Johnson from Spencer McGillicutty talks about pop music theory, Beatles songwriting techniques, and his “Douchiest Song Challenge.“


Behind the Curtain
1 Episode