In America's Finest (military) City...

Our Enemy, The Party

Working "within the system" is not ok; it's actually counterproductive
The end doesn't justify the means
"Public good" is a fallacious economic concept
A congress of Ron Pauls would make government look good, even though it's an inherently evil organization

Elected Officials | Libertarian Party

Confessions of an Increasingly Skeptical Libertarian Partyarch by Thomas Knapp

Advocating complete liberty really exposes the folly of those who don't
We need to take into account the unseen costs of partyarchy, and redirect our political energy into education, voluntaryism, and agorism
Let's live up to our true individual potential
Life is about flourishing and happiness, so cut to the chase; don't settle for the suboptimal

The trouble with voluntaryists by Morey Straus

The Evil That Men Do: Willful Submission To Illegitimate Authority by William Buppert

It's a mental trickery to think that you need to be obedient to some "authority," be it personal or political
Property owners will set rational rules for commerce in a free society
Root-striking questions:

Radley Balko: Maryland cops are abusing wiretapping law | Cop Block

Tomgram: William Astore, Wars Don't Make Heroes

Self-sacrifice is not ethical; it's a vice

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes by Alfie Kohn

Libertarians: Obama is shockingly pro-war | Libertarian Party

Strive to only do things that you are morally comfortable with, which entails respecting the lives and well-being of others

my blog post: Bullshit! hit piece on self-esteem and Nathaniel Branden

If you'd like to get your subconscious exploration process underway, email me at [email protected] to set up a session

bumper music "Swallow Your Fears" by State of Man

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In America's Finest (military) City...

Our Enemy, The Party

Working "within the system" is not ok; it's actually counterproductiveThe end doesn't justify the means"Public good" is a fallacious economic conceptA congress of Ron Pauls would make government look good, even though it's an inherently evil organization

Elected Officials | Libertarian Party

Confessions of an Increasingly Skeptical Libertarian Partyarch by Thomas Knapp

Advocating complete liberty really exposes the folly of those who don'tWe need to take into account the unseen costs of partyarchy, and redirect our political energy into education, voluntaryism, and agorismLet's live up to our true individual potentialLife is about flourishing and happiness, so cut to the chase; don't settle for the suboptimal

The trouble with voluntaryists by Morey Straus

The Evil That Men Do: Willful Submission To Illegitimate Authority by William Buppert

It's a mental trickery to think that you need to be obedient to some "authority," be it personal or politicalProperty owners will set rational rules for commerce in a free societyRoot-striking questions:

Radley Balko: Maryland cops are abusing wiretapping law | Cop Block

Tomgram: William Astore, Wars Don't Make Heroes

Self-sacrifice is not ethical; it's a vice

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes by Alfie Kohn

Libertarians: Obama is shockingly pro-war | Libertarian Party

Strive to only do things that you are morally comfortable with, which entails respecting the lives and well-being of others

my blog post: Bullshit! hit piece on self-esteem and Nathaniel Branden

If you'd like to get your subconscious exploration process underway, email me at [email protected] to set up a session

bumper music "Swallow Your Fears" by State of Man

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