The communized (governmental) roads enable "law-enforcement officers" to violate the person and property of individual motorists

The statist courts are not about justice, because of their inherent conflict of interest; the statist judge and statist prosecutor work for the same organization; they have no property rights jurisdiction or valid agency contract with property owners; and, they fund their operations via extortion

What is The Pursuit of Justice? by Edward Lopez

As long as you comply with governmental edicts in America, it seems much better than other countries

"Citizen" and "United States" are basically slavespeak terms -

Vast numbers of people caught up in the "corrections system" have violated no one's rights; their "crimes" have no victims

The Pursuit of Justice and Private Interests in the Law by Edward Lopez

So-called judges protect their livelihood, just as cops protect their own

Anything in the economy that is not paid for voluntarily is not and cannot be a service

The Pursuit of Justice and Elected vs. Appointed Judges by Edward Lopez

Lysander Spooner's keen insights on the courts of injustice:

Justice for All Without the State by David J. Heinrich

The legal precept of independent third party adjudication is violated by governmental courts; thus, a fair trial is simply impossible

"Public property" is a contradiction in terms, and "private property" is a redundancy

As long as people are clueless, compliant followers of the status quo, the communized legal system will continue

I'm Allowed to Rob You! by Larken Rose

An example of libertarian doing (rather than merely talking)

In need of counseling/psychotherapy? Please email me: [email protected]

bumper music "Injustice" by Sleepy Wonder

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