Dr. Nick Dewan joins the CLC team to discuss the ongoing stress of the pandemic and how the affects of it will linger on. We define and discuss burnout, as well as specific recovery methods that are the antidote to these concerns. This an unbelievable interview that provides clear recomomendations for parents and coaches on how to respond when players aren't feeling excited or motivated, and when they need a "mental health day or days". Find Dr. Dewan on linked at: http://www.playerdevelopment.usta.com/fellowship/ Previous Dr. Dewan episode is at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-nick-dewan/id1450860560?i=1000485493979 Dr. Larry and Coach Johnny on Twitter: @LarryLauer / @johnnyparkes1 Instagram: @johnny_parkes USTA PD Website: http://www.playerdevelopment.usta.com/podcasts/?