Thank you so much to everyone who reached out over the last month between episodes.  Everything is OK and I am glad to be back chatting with you!

You've Arrived At Your Destination

Classic WWII Watch Cap for Little Brother (I forgot to take a photo before taping up the box...)


Halloween Socks for Carlos - Denali Socks with the links for the formula I'm using

Christmas Stripe-y Socks for me

Susan B. Anderson's sock drawer - this post was all the way back in March.  My how time flies!

June's Favorite Cardigan by Hannah Fettig

Knit Pro charting site

Baby Sophisticate by Linden Down

Road Maps

30 Day Sweater Challenge

Raglan Shaping Video Tutorial (part of the promotional tour in September)

Link to Free Sweater Planning Guide (with coupon code for 25% off the 30 Day Sweater ebook)

30 Day Sweater Ravelry Group

My 30 Day Sweater project

Traffic Report

New and new-to-me video podcasts that I've been watching lately

Paprika Purls - YouTube

Elly's Knit (In)sanity - iTunes

In a sKnit - iTunes


The Crochet Dude's Chemo Cap challenge

New England Halos of Hope - holiday caps for pediatric centers in October and November.  Let me know if you want to knit or crochet some holiday caps and we'll get a KAL/CAL going!

Podcaster Throwdown for Halos of Hope - STITCHES West 2014

I will not host a team, so which team should we endorse/support?  Take the poll in the group and let me know!

Road Trips

Western CT Yarn Crawl - October 4-7, 2013

NY State Sheep & Wool Festival - October 19-20, 2013 - Rhinebeck, NY

STITCHES East - November 7-10, 2013 - Hartford, CT

Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - @CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Email - [email protected]

Show notes -

Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast 

Instagram - ndjen04

Thank you so much to everyone who reached out over the last month between episodes.  Everything is OK and I am glad to be back chatting with you!

You've Arrived At Your Destination

Classic WWII Watch Cap for Little Brother (I forgot to take a photo before taping up the box...)


Halloween Socks for Carlos - Denali Socks with the links for the formula I'm using

Christmas Stripe-y Socks for me

Susan B. Anderson's sock drawer - this post was all the way back in March.  My how time flies!

June's Favorite Cardigan by Hannah Fettig

Knit Pro charting site

Baby Sophisticate by Linden Down

Road Maps

30 Day Sweater Challenge

Raglan Shaping Video Tutorial (part of the promotional tour in September)

Link to Free Sweater Planning Guide (with coupon code for 25% off the 30 Day Sweater ebook)

30 Day Sweater Ravelry Group

My 30 Day Sweater project

Traffic Report

New and new-to-me video podcasts that I've been watching lately

Paprika Purls - YouTube

Elly's Knit (In)sanity - iTunes

In a sKnit - iTunes


The Crochet Dude's Chemo Cap challenge

New England Halos of Hope - holiday caps for pediatric centers in October and November.  Let me know if you want to knit or crochet some holiday caps and we'll get a KAL/CAL going!

Podcaster Throwdown for Halos of Hope - STITCHES West 2014

I will not host a team, so which team should we endorse/support?  Take the poll in the group and let me know!

Road Trips

Western CT Yarn Crawl - October 4-7, 2013

NY State Sheep & Wool Festival - October 19-20, 2013 - Rhinebeck, NY

STITCHES East - November 7-10, 2013 - Hartford, CT

Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - @CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Email - [email protected]

Show notes -

Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast 

Instagram - ndjen04

Twitter Mentions