You've Arrived At Your Destination

Bayside Pullover by Hannah Fettig - Camp Loopy Project Number 3

Cascade Heritage Silk in Strawberry Creme

Ribbit by Susan B. Anderson - free pattern available at Spud & Chloe blog


Halloween Socks for Carlos - Denali Socks with the links for the formula I'm using

Gnome Acres in Witches Brew

Big Bang Theory Scarf

June's Favorite Cardigan by Hannah Fettig

Quince & Co. Lark in Dogwood


Wollmeise DK from The Loopy Ewe - colorway is Magnolie Dark

Traffic Report

New podcasts that I've been listening to during my commute

Prairie Girls Knit and Spin hosted by Danie and Susie - Ravelry Group

Stitched Together hosted by Chrissy - Ravelry Group - Crafting Library KAL

Knotty Girls Knitcast hosted by Jen and Laura - Ravelry Group


Podcaster Throwdown for Halos of Hope - STITCHES West 2014

The Crochet Dude's Chemo Cap challenge

New England Halos of Hope - holiday caps for pediatric centers in October and November.  Let me know if you want to knit or crochet some holiday caps and we'll get a KAL/CAL going!

Road Trips

I entered my NY Cardigan and Frost Tapestry Hat in the Needlework Contest at the Bridgewater Fair and won a blue & yellow ribbon!

Newtown Arts Festival - September 21-22, 2013

Western CT Yarn Crawl - October 4-7, 2013

NY State Sheep & Wool Festival - October 19-20, 2013 - Rhinebeck, NY

STITCHES East - November 7-10, 2013 - Hartford, CT

Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - @CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Email - [email protected]

Show notes -

Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast 

Instagram - ndjen04

You've Arrived At Your Destination

Bayside Pullover by Hannah Fettig - Camp Loopy Project Number 3

Cascade Heritage Silk in Strawberry Creme

Ribbit by Susan B. Anderson - free pattern available at Spud & Chloe blog


Halloween Socks for Carlos - Denali Socks with the links for the formula I'm using

Gnome Acres in Witches Brew

Big Bang Theory Scarf

June's Favorite Cardigan by Hannah Fettig

Quince & Co. Lark in Dogwood


Wollmeise DK from The Loopy Ewe - colorway is Magnolie Dark

Traffic Report

New podcasts that I've been listening to during my commute

Prairie Girls Knit and Spin hosted by Danie and Susie - Ravelry Group

Stitched Together hosted by Chrissy - Ravelry Group - Crafting Library KAL

Knotty Girls Knitcast hosted by Jen and Laura - Ravelry Group


Podcaster Throwdown for Halos of Hope - STITCHES West 2014

The Crochet Dude's Chemo Cap challenge

New England Halos of Hope - holiday caps for pediatric centers in October and November.  Let me know if you want to knit or crochet some holiday caps and we'll get a KAL/CAL going!

Road Trips

I entered my NY Cardigan and Frost Tapestry Hat in the Needlework Contest at the Bridgewater Fair and won a blue & yellow ribbon!

Newtown Arts Festival - September 21-22, 2013

Western CT Yarn Crawl - October 4-7, 2013

NY State Sheep & Wool Festival - October 19-20, 2013 - Rhinebeck, NY

STITCHES East - November 7-10, 2013 - Hartford, CT

Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - @CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Email - [email protected]

Show notes -

Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast 

Instagram - ndjen04

Twitter Mentions