Previous Episode: Joshua 1-3, Psalm 52
Next Episode: Joshua 7-10, Psalm 54

It’s a children’s Sunday school classic that when taught, often emphasizes that we should faithfully obey the Lord. While this is certainly true, it would be a shame to neglect reflection on the power of God over His creation and created order. Not only does God mound up the Jordan River in a heap so that Israel can cross, He destroys the walls of Jericho without a single blow from the army of Israel. We see this as God executing righteous judgment, for as you may recall from Deuteronomy, the Lord is bringing Israel into the land, not because of Israel’s righteousness, but because of the wickedness of the nations inhabiting the land.


Christian Standard Bible translation.

All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.

Co-produced by Eric Williamson.

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