Today we’re going to explore the one educational subject that I believe causes the most grief and frustration for parents and their kids…

It’s a four letter word that has the power to turn a peaceful moment at home into a battle for survival…

I’m talking about math of course, and my guest today, Dr. Aditya Nagrath has a contagious passion for it.

And he has a bold promise for you parents who’d rather lock your bedroom door and turn up an 80s playlist real loud than help your kids with their homework…

He guarantees your child will learn 1 year of math in just 3 months, doing 30 minutes a week using his system, affectionately called Elephant Learning.

And… the kids who use it enjoy it, in fact they’ll choose to spend the time learning, without you having to say anything.

So… wanna get some sanity and free time back?

Of course, what matters most is setting your kids up for future success.

And in a world increasingly more tech and data-driven, math problem-solving skills are more important than ever.

So let’s find out more about this incredible guy and his mission to empower children through mathematics.

Today we’re going to explore the one educational subject that I believe causes the most grief and frustration for parents and their kids…
It’s a four letter word that has the power to turn a peaceful moment at home into a battle for survival…
I’m talking about math of course, and my guest today, Dr. Aditya Nagrath has a contagious passion for it. 
And he has a bold promise for you parents who’d rather lock your bedroom door and turn up an 80s playlist real loud than help your kids with their homework…
He guarantees your child will learn 1 year of math in just 3 months, doing 30 minutes a week using his system, affectionately called Elephant Learning.
And… the kids who use it enjoy it, in fact they’ll choose to spend the time learning, without you having to say anything.
So… wanna get some sanity and free time back? 
Of course, what matters most is setting your kids up for future success.
And in a world increasingly more tech and data-driven, math problem-solving skills are more important than ever.
So let’s find out more about this incredible guy and his mission to empower children through mathematics.
Links Mentioned In Episode

>>> Learn Math the Fun, Easy Way at Elephant Learning
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