For those of you with kids, you’ve got important decisions to make right now around their education for the upcoming year. The status quo for many families is no longer certain, for the very first time.  

Now is an opportunity to re-think what path is best for you and your kids.

Will you join in the Covid experiment and send them off to school to learn in a very uncertain environment that will most certainly be difficult at best, dealing with a myriad of restrictions? Will you choose some flavor of homeschooling? I recently explored homeschooling options with Pat Fullingim on episode 32, so check that out if that’s of interest to you.  

I’ve been diving into options for my two now teenage boys, now that they are high school aged, and one I’m super excited about we’re going to explore on today’s show.

My guest Indra Sofian is the co-founder of Sora Schools, a live, virtual project-based high school where students explore their interests and future careers. His journey to re-imagine high school education began while he was in college at Georgia Tech. Eventually, Indra realized that he was learning far more from his business startup and other involvements than he was sitting in class. He began to research educational models and last year founded Sora Schools with his co-founders, Wesley Samples and Garrett Smiley.

What struck me most about what Sora is their mission to help students figure out their own path. More than just learning, Sora is helping the next generation do and excel at what they love, something traditional high school doesn't do.

If you are looking for a more progressive, more modern approach to education, you definitely need to catch this episode!


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