At a time when there is so much fear and uncertainty in the world due to the coronavirus, nurturing the proper mindset is more important than ever. When you are in fear, you aren’t in control, and everything suffers - your relationships, your productivity, your positive state of mind.

You might think you aren’t in fear, but your body is saying otherwise. There are some simple tests you can do to check in with yourself to find out, and we’ll explore that on this podcast today. We’ll also look at some ways you can get out of that fear state.

My guest, Dr. Chris Lee is a brain based wellness speaker, consultant and proud father. He has taken the power of functional neuroscience to Wall St. Fortune 500 board rooms and schools. His approach to life is to not only show that love, kindness and compassion are the way to live an authentic life but to prove it to you with biofeedback and research.

This is one of the most value-packed episodes we've had on this podcast to date. 

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