I’m really excited for today’s interview. Today we’re going to talk cryptocurrency, a topic I’m super passionate about for reasons that may surprise you and that we’ll get into on the show.

My guest today and friend Alex S. Elliot is an early bitcoin and cryptocurrency investor, who started way back in 2013 with her first of many Bitcoin investments. I consider her one of the smartest people I know in the crypto space and someone I and many others turn to for guidance.

These days, Alex helps regular folks like you and I earn Cryptocurrency Passively with her free, supportive FB Group, the Crypto Chill Lounge and her more advanced paid “Sat Stacker” Mastermind, where she dives deep into loads of passive crypto income strategies.

I’ve been following and learning tons from Alex about crypto for quite some time now, so I asked her if she’d be willing to come on the show. Thankfully she agreed to come on to help you and your family unravel the incredible opportunity happening in the crypto space right now.

I’m really excited for today’s interview. Today we’re going to talk cryptocurrency, a topic I’m super passionate about for reasons that may surprise you and that we’ll get into on the show.

My guest today and friend Alex S. Elliot is an early bitcoin and cryptocurrency investor, who started way back in 2013 with her first of many Bitcoin investments. I consider her one of the smartest people I know in the crypto space and someone I and many others turn to for guidance.

These days, Alex helps regular folks like you and I earn Cryptocurrency Passively with her free, supportive FB Group, the Crypto Chill Lounge and her more advanced paid “Sat Stacker” Mastermind, where she dives deep into loads of passive crypto income strategies.

I’ve been following and learning tons from Alex about crypto for quite some time now, so I asked her if she’d be willing to come on the show. Thankfully she agreed to come on to help you and your family unravel the incredible opportunity happening in the crypto space right now.

Links Mentioned In Episode

>>> Join Alex and I in the Crypto Chill Facebook group

>>> Automate Bitcoin buys with Swan (US) and Coinberry (Canada)

>>> Earn passive crypto with Helium hotspots
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