If you asked 8-year-old Jim Van Allan what he wanted to do when he is older, he would have emphatically said: airline pilot! My father was a commercial airline pilot for a long time, and I always loved air travel. However, fast forward through different life experiences, and I am not an airline pilot! My story begins like many of you- a thought or dream to be or do something, but it doesn't always end up like we planned. As our interests and personalities shift, so do our priorities and hopes and dreams. Keep being introspective and find that thread that truly suits YOU.


Dr. Jim Van Allan is a speaker & trainer for schools and companies across the nation. He has over a decade worth of experience helping individuals and organizations with communication, leadership, and personal development skills. He is also a Professor of Communication Studies and teaches classes on communication, public speaking, and interpersonal communication.

He's also a family man and lives with his wife and two boys in South Florida. 

New podcast episode every Monday where we turn the personal into the powerful!


@JimVanAllan on all social media


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