Previous Episode: Dealing with Stress | s2ep9
Next Episode: Welcome to Season 3

This week I want to talk about how to handle other people’s problems.

As our world has been turned upside-down nearly over night, a lot of people are struggling. In a lot of ways we are experiencing an exaggerated response to change that has happened too quickly.

As we walk through this pandemic, we can learn a lot about how people respond to change. 

We can’t know all the different ways people respond to change. There are simply too many variables. But we can hone our ability to be compassionate. If you are going to lead effectively at any point, you’ll need to develop the ability to listen before you feel. 

A lot of people are being thrown in to tech.

for a season, ministry is happening through techfacetime calls, zoom meetings, services streaming on weekendshigh discomfort for somelearning new things is scarysometimes we can’t grasp itnow the tool is the prohibitive element in our ability to minister meaningfully

For some, they feel that their ability to grasp tech will impact their ability to be safe.

online shoppingfood delivery via apps

This is my native space. I see a million opportunities in this season. But that means I need to be extra sensitive to those who are scared.

This is like a water polo player jumping into a pool and feeling prepared to tread water for hours, while someone else in the pool doesn’t know how to swim.

Spend some time in your conversations focusing specifically on helping those who are afraid. Listen instead of judge. Be kind. 

If you can learn to listen to the people you serve with before you make a judgement as to why they are having a hard time, you will be the kind of leader people want to follow.