The COVID-19 pandemic is a great time for us as people to negotiate stress in a way that we likely haven’t had to before. I want to talk through a technique I put into practice recently that has helped me apply God’s Word in a way I haven’t before. 

If you’ve been listening for a while, you know that I believe all need in life, business, and organizational leadership is found in God’s Word. And that the principles of wisdom we find in business books are actually references to truths found in God’s word. So, let me share with you the approach I take when navigating stress.

1. Write your fears

2. Declare the truth

3. Revise your fears

4. Meditate on the truth of God’s Word.

5. Make the switch.

As you pray through the things you are worried about, replace the fear with the truth. I go line by line.

Here is what you are doing. You are now going past Philippians 4:6-7, and you are stepping into verse 8. Instead of dwelling on your fears, dwell on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, anything that is excellent or praiseworthy.