You have things that you have made a commitment to. And many of those are very important.

Don’t let them become too important.

This week, I want to look at the life of Moses in hopes of helping us recalibrate how committed we are to things in our life.

Exodus 18:13-23

You can’t always see that you are overcommitted on your own.Don’t be frustrated when everyone can’t help at the same level.Moses wasn’t the only one capable, and neither are you. When you hear advice, pray about it. 

First: giving or receiving counsel should always be with the understanding that prayer will supersede it. 

Second: the advice in this situation was focused on helping Moses see that he wasn’t the condition upon which Israel succeeded or failed. 

Whatever it is that you are investing in has the potential to do the same thing if you overcommit to it. Sometimes it’s because the need keeps presenting itself like it did with Moses.

Sometimes we overcommit because we think we are the key to success. It won’t happen without us.