

The media touted Biden’s extra long visit with the Pope but forgot to leave a small detail and that’s Biden reportedly pooped his pants at the Vatican.

As some of you already know, while Biden and Pope Francis were set to have an hour long interview, suddenly all live streams of Biden’s visit with the Pope were cut off.

The event seemed bizarre and many people didn’t know why.

Well, rumors that have been floating in Rome claim that the livestream was cut off due to the fact Biden pooped his pants!

Here you can see the clip where Biden was completely ignored by children when he walks into the classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pEZu7E5vD0

President Joe Biden complained that Russia and Saudi Arabia were not producing enough oil to alleviate high gas prices in the United States, despite his administration’s efforts to reduce domestic production.

“I do think the idea that Russia and Saudi Arabia, and other major producers are not going to pump more oil so people can have gasoline to get to and from work, for example, is not right,” Biden said during a press conference after the G20 Summit in Europe.

On Saturday, the president urged energy producing countries at the summit to boost oil production to pressure OPEC+ nations to increase supply and reduce gas prices around the world.

The president acknowledged to reporters that it appeared ironic he was traveling to Glasgow, Scotland, for a climate change summit with world leaders even while asking oil producing nations to produce more. But he argued that the economy was still powered by oil.


“Ha Ha Ha! That is Hilarious!” – Biden Energy Secretary Laughs When Asked About Biden’s Plans to Bring Gas Prices Down. Biden’s first order of business was to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline.

Thousands of pipeline workers lost their jobs and America became a slave to OPEC. Joe Biden has been reduced to publicly begging OPEC to pump more oil. On Friday, Granholm laughed out loud when asked about the Biden Regime’s plans to lower gas prices.

China: America Is ‘the Laughingstock of Democracy’ https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2021/11/04/china-america-is-the-laughingstock-of-democracy/

China’s Global Times, a government-run propaganda newspaper, mocked America as “the laughingstock of democracy” on Wednesday and warned U.S. elites were the world’s “biggest threat to democracy.”

In reality, a Freedom House study published this year found China was single-handed causing a global decline in freedom and respect for human rights through its outsized economic and diplomatic influence.