‘It’s Despicable’: DeSantis Says Fauci ‘Needs To Be Held Accountable’ For Cruel Puppy Experiments, Gain Of Function Research

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said White House chief medical advisor Anthony Fauci “needs to be held accountable” for funds distributed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) toward abusive animal experiments and gain-of-function research Monday.

DeSantis said that the NIAID should have been banned from the funding and that American tax dollars needs to be distributed to ethical research rather than “abusing puppies” and gain-of-function research. (RELATED: Fauci-Led Agency Funded Abusive Animal Experiments Promising To Kill Dozens Of Beagles)

“I cannot believe that American tax dollars would go to treat those dogs the way those dogs are treated and I really think Fauci needs to be held accountable.”

WOW. Barack Obama can't Help Himself. He says BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN FANS loved Clarence Clemmons but only "on-stage"--if the "primarily white audience" ran into Clarence at a bar, they'd call him THE N-WORD. Barack--you don't have a damn CLUE about this country.

New Zealand is moving to a two-tier society, but the unvaccinated are already a global underclass

New Zealand’s Covid policy has once again hit the headlines. Last week, Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister, admitted that its new plans on loosening restrictions risked turning the country into a “two-tier” society.

On Friday, Alexander Schallenberg, the country’s chancellor,warned that if the number of Covid patients in Austria’s intensive care units exceeds 600 - or a third of the country’s total ICU capacity - those who have not been vaccinated will be forced into lockdown and will only be able to leave their homes under specific circumstances.

Here’s the video:

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