In this discussion we move beyond the focus on standards and testing to look at a new report's findings that both students and teachers need more time and support.

Discuss it at #commoncore and #CCSS

Follow: @Eduflack @dgburris @afterschool4all @jmrinehart @bamradionetwork

Jen Rinehart takes a primary role in the Afterschool Alliance's national and state coalition building, policy and research efforts. Previously, she served for more than five years on the staff of the U.S. Department of Education, and currently serves on a number of advisory boards of organizations that share the Afterschool Alliance's vision of afterschool for all. Jennifer Davis is the Co-Founder & President of the National Center on Time & Learning. She has held positions at the federal, state, and local levels focused on improving educational opportunities for children across the United States. Patrick Riccards has been a communications and policy expert for 20 years. Darren Burris is a member of the state's Model Curriculum Development Team.