Tom Hind was introduced to electrical work right out of highschool by a friend’s father. He saw it as a rewarding way to make good money while learning a trade & traveling.

Tom worked hard & moved up through the field by studying & learning everything possible and taking advantage of opportunities to work closely with engineers and consultants.

At 25 years old he moved 1,000 miles away to Texas following rumors of a booming oil industry which ultimately led into commissioning oil pipelines and facilities.

Tom Hind is a Licensed Master Electrician, a Licensed Commercial Electrical Inspector by The International Code Council and a Certified Petroleum/Gas Pipeline Inspector by American Petroleum Institute.

Check out here how THI Energy Consultants, LLC can help you in your projects:

Until the next podcast episode!

Talk soon,

Thomas Stuenkel

PS: You can enroll into the FREE Online Commissioning Training here: