This is the second interview with Temujin Kensu I start off with a love ballad (Matt Stell's I pray for you)  him and his wife share together. An incarcerated man who is innocent, after 34 years is still trying to get the State of Michigan to release him. Governor Whitmer recently denied Temujins Clemency and refuses to return any of my calls for an answer as to why. Whitmer - Whitmer (
  We need support. People need to stand up  for the horrendous account of misjustice and State level corruption.

  If haven't heard the first episode yet, I implore that you do as this episode is spent on topics like racism in prison, homosexuality in prison and corruption. We spend time on numerous topics and the last hour is spent on informing the listener on how to attain a proper attorney and not get scammed. If your in a new relationship with a prisoner you definitely want to check this episode out as well.
  If you would like to futher this discussion you can visit me on my Facebook page or any of Temujin Kensus timelines.
  Please continue to like, subscribe or share this episode to keep awareness up and help an innocent man come home finally after 34 years.
  You can donate to this cause or any of the other you have listened to by the cashapp link at the bottom of each episode.

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