It’s our season finale! Party time! What’s a party without music and a little drama, so Richard suggested Getting it Together by Sina Grace, Omar Spahi, Jenny D Fine, Mx. Struble and Sean Konot (Image) for our reading pleasure. We have a good conversation about this plus many other things including normalizing mensuration and our misspent Twenties. Hope you all enjoy.

Other books discussed on the episode. The Bone Orchard Mythos: The Passageway by Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, David Stewart, and Steve Wands (Image); Filth & Grammar: The Comic Book Editor’s (Secret) Handbook by Shelly Bond, Imogen Mangle, Laura Hole, and Sofia Dodgson (Off Register Press); Pipette and Dudley Charming Dog Adventures by Charlotte Mei (Shortbox); and One Piece Chapter 1053: New Emperors by Eiichiro Oda (Shonen Jump).

Comics Deserve Better is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian, Carrie, Darci and Richard which covers the world of Independent Comics. For a list of episodes, socials and emails, and to request a topic for a future episode please visit

(Episode Art by Jenny D Fine and Intro Music provided by