You all thought it was a fun and fancy free BOYZ NITE (TM), but you will be wrong. Very. Wrong.

Hang out with Brian, Richard, and Carrie and listen to them discuss Carrie's choice: Bitter Root vol. 3 Legacy by David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, Sanford Greene, Sofie Dodgson and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Image) and can you tell us if you can hear the ghost voice? She makes an appearance and has completely petrified Carrie.

Other books discussed in the episode:

Friday #1-5 by Ed Brubaker, Marcos Martin, and Muntsa Vicente (Panel Syndicate); The Girl and the Glim by India Swift with Michael Doig and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou


Eight Billion Genies #1 by Charles Soule & Ryan Browne (Image)

Carrie’s Non-Profit for the week is:

Comics Deserve Better is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian, Carrie, Darci and Richard which covers the world of Independent Comics. For a list of episodes, socials and emails, and to request a topic for a future episode please visit

(Episode Art by Sanford Greene and Intro Music provided by