Are you looking for these issues? (Or any comics?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Shop Here. So this year, we were all present at the Longbeach Comic Expo. Maico and I were … Continue reading →

Are you looking for these issues? (Or any comics?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Shop Here.

So this year, we were all present at the Longbeach Comic Expo. Maico and I were helping out at Colleen’s booth for Wyng’d Lyon Creations. While we were there, we saw an amazing amount of Cosplay (link goes to our Longbeach Comic Expo 2015 album on Facebook – no Facebook account is required to view the photos! But if you DO have a Facebook account, please feel free to come by and LIKE our page while you’re there!) The venue for this year’s Longbeach Comic Expo was different than last year’s – same building, however different hall – and was significantly larger than last year. The over all layout seemed very well organized as to how they had things set up. Before going to Longbeach Comic Expo, we had two interviews scheduled – one with Greg Weisman (known for his role in co-creating the animated series, Gargoyles, as well as his work on Young Justice, Star Wars Rebels, and now his new novel, Rain of Ghosts) and Joy DeCapua (from Blackjack Comics, who Maico interviewed last year at LongBeach Comic Expo!). Maico being the hard nosed journalist that he is – managed to land an additional 3 interviews for this podcast! So all together, it’s Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, Young Justice, Star Wars Rebels, Rain of Ghosts), Joy Decapua (Blackjack Comics), Jason Beckwith (Taking Eden), Ray Chou (Skies of Fire), and Tanya Bjork (Havenhurst)! So strap in for an awesome episode full of some great folks!

So the beginning of the podcast features Maico, Colleen and myself (Tawmis) doing a recap of the Longbeach Comic Expo over Skype – and then it jumps into the interviews!


If you have trouble streaming the episode, you can download it by right clicking and doing SAVE AS… this link.

Now on iTunes!

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