Are you looking for these issues? (Or any comics?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Shop Here. So… at long last, it finally happened! Neal Adams had done a comic book signing at … Continue reading →

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So… at long last, it finally happened! Neal Adams had done a comic book signing at Southern California Comics quite some time ago. Due to a series of mishaps, this episode kept getting put off (I wanted it for our 12th issue, anyway! Because back in the day – when comics were good – issue #12 was typically double sized in the comic world, because something special was going to happen!) Well, it seemed only fitting, since this is a comic book related podcast, that we would save this for Issue #12 of our podcast!

I won’t go into the “woes and whys” this episode took so long – but let’s just say, it gave me a very difficult time! But it’s done! It’s finally done!

As I said, the episode was recording during a comic book signing; so there is, unfortunately, a lot of background noise with people talking and what not (since it wasn’t a very controlled environment), and every time someone bumps or hits the tables we were using; the mics that were sitting on them would spike a loud noise. And then there was the jets from Mira Mar that would occasionally fly by! But all in all, it was a very fun time, and a great honor to be able to speak to Neal Adams. He has some great (and often times!) hilarious stories that he shared with us, as well as some insight about working in the comic book business, and the various different personalities you deal with (writers, fellow artists, editors, publishers, even assistants who say things they probably should not have said!)


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Now on iTunes!

00:00:00 – Neal Adams Intro!

00:00:30 – The Podcast Begins

00:01:15 – When Superman’s a Zombie, what does he eat?

00:01:30 – Is Maico trying to sell Neal Adams insurance?

00:01:45 – The Digital vs Print That’s Been Asked For The Last 10 Years

00:05:45 – Comics Have Become Very Mainstream (Hear That Europe?)

00:06:05 – How The Government Attacked Comic Books

00:08:30 – The Comic Book Code

00:11:40 – Who Is The Doctor That Should Be The Joker?

00:12:40 – Rex Asks Neal A Question About An Exodus And Quality

00:14:10 – How Is “Batman: Black And White” A Real Story?

00:16:40 – Let’s Talk Motion Comics

00:20:25 – Wait, What’s Neal Doing With Blood? Oh, The Comic…

00:21:30 – What Is Batman Odyssey? (It’s Not About Going To 7-11)…

00:29:00 – Comics In Other Media (Gotham, Agents of SHIELD, Arrow)

00:32:00 – So It Should Be Easy To Stalk Neal Adams?

00:32:30 – Superman vs Mohammad Ali (How Many People Are On The Cover?)

00:35:45 – What’s The Difference Between Marvel and DC Heroes?

00:38:45 – Guardians of the Galaxy – And Why Did Marvel Do It?

00:39:30 – Backgrounds Done In Pencil (3 for 3!)

00:40:45 – Editors And What They Do

00:44:10 – The Origin Of Neal Adams

00:48:35 – Working At Marvel And DC At The Same Time

00:51:45 – Most Difficult Character To Draw?

00:52:30 – Three Cows Shot Me Down

00:53:30 – You Should Watch What You Say

00:54:45 – The Secret Of “7-11 Coffee”

00:56:00 – Neal’s Assistant Buzz And Lotto/Scratch Cards

00:56:45 – Sex Shops And Neal’s Wife’s Luck (Sounds Dirty?)

01:00:00 – The Man Of Steel (And Hating Your Dad?)

01:01:25 – Neal’s Thoughts On The last Amazing Spider-Man Movie?

01:02:00 – Jim Aparo – Neal Adams Lite? Taste Good? Less Filling?

01:05:00 – All Good Things Must End