The NFL conducted a draft, so now you know the new players who wont be playing for your team this upcoming year, the Supreme Court overturned a long-standing precedent – no, not that one, another one, in ruling that a unanimous verdict is required to convict a person of a crime, and Mackenzie Smith and I unpack Liar, Liar.

Yes, I know, 2 lawyers talking about Liar, Liar might be like Jeffrey Dahmer talking about the advantages of an all-meat diet. I get that. So Mackenzie decided to interview her own kids about Liar, Liar, and their responses will, well, I’ll just play this straight. Their responses will give you hope for humanity. In this weeks, De-Briefing of the Law.

To learn more about about Mackenzie Smith, The Aviator Attorney, click here.

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We are making every effort to accommodate attorneys seeking to fulfill their remaining CLE requirements as changes are being implemented from each states' bar association based on guidance as it is available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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