Episode 42 - Sowing Seeds of Silence

Yesterday while talking with Craig on the show, we talked briefly

about the different "seeds" appropriate for different people. At the

beginning of a relationship "small talk" is best. As a relationship

grows and matures, the opportunity for "big talk" arises.


Sometimes, the "seed of silence" is best.


A few weeks ago I began re-reading every morning, a chapter of

"Through the Mists: Leaves from the Autobiography of a Soul in Paradise" by Robert James (R.J.) Lees.


Today I read Chapter 19 "The Sanctuary of Silence," and one paragraph reminded me of the book study group that Mary Luck started (and recorded for YouTube) in 2012.


Mary and her soulmate A.J. reviewed Chapter 19 on May 6th of 2014. The video is just shy of two hours, and I decided that instead of doing my normal live talk show, that I would record this instead.


Links to the free PDF of the book, as well as a printed copy and Kindle e-book are available here:



The YouTube videos of the book group discussions are available here:



If you are new to the show, I recommend starting at the start...Epiosode 1:


Music courtesy of Alison David
