Christian History Series #8: The Rebellion Versus the Empire (Part 5)

Coming out of the Middle Ages, Christianity was again in a state of transformation. Christian teachings had taken hold throughout Europe, but the church hierarchy had become political and corrupt. Reformers like Wycliffe, Hus, and Luther sought to return Jesus’s teachings to the people. In this last set of talks, Lenny outlines the seeds of the Protestant Reformation, the motivations of the reformers, and the five key points that mark modern Protestant faiths today.

About the Hidden Riches of Christian History SeriesThe Hidden Riches of Christian History lecture series takes you on a journey of exploration from the Resurrection to the Reformation. Along the way, we will hear remarkable stories and discover incredible insights into some of the most significant people and events that helped shape our faith into the world-transforming force it is today.

Part 5 of 6