We hope you had a chance to attend our Take Five for Your Future webcast, "Using Video to Drive Auto Sales and Profitability" on April 3rd where a panel of experts shared how multi-screen video strategies can be used to increase automotive sales and franchise value. If you couldn't join us, or want to review some of the information again, you can view the complete webcast now.

Larry Bruce, President & CEO of Online Drive, kicked off the lively panel discussion by sharing the results from a study his company conducted of 125 dealerships, 12.1 million website visitors and more than 2,200 buyers to determine which channel has biggest impact on generating leads. The study found that it's not one channel, but developing the right marketing mix that is the key to success. Additionally, the results showed that while some channels don't directly correlate to more leads, they may have a profound impact on the success of other channels. Larry also stressed the importance of thinking about how you want consumers to feel about your dealership when developing the messaging for your commercials.

Next up, Jim Dykstra, Automotive Sales Manager in San Francisco for Comcast Spotlight, talked about how demand is strong in the auto buying market, but customer loyalty is low as consumers have gained more price transparency through the internet. They are willing to go further from home to buy a car at a lower price, but are less likely to be a repeat customer due to the distance. To combat this behavioral shift, Jim shared some multi-screen statistics to demonstrate how using TV plus online can target consumers where they consume media and research their purchases.

Shifting to the agency perspective, Michael J. Nealy, President of Team One discussed the importance of using online video in conjunction with TV advertising and shared how his client, Toyota of Gladstone, had a more successful campaign by doing so.

Rounding out the panel was Bret Rice, Senior Director of Research for the Eastern Division of Comcast Spotlight, who demonstrated with real dealership examples how research can be used to ensure advertising budgets can be spent as efficiently and effectively as possible.

To download the slides from this or other educational videos and webcasts, please visit: http://www.comcastspotlight.com/takefive