Although there are fantastic blogs by various members, we wanted to provide
in-depth analysis about several of the biggest news pieces/ games coming out in
the form of a podcast.

That means parsing the news carefully, trying to
understand how particular news will fit in to the gaming world as a whole: how
we think the community will receive it, and how we think the game will do moving
forward or how the news will impact the industry and gamers in

We won’t cover any small things like release dates or breaking
news, but we’ll take a look at things that we think gamers will find important.
Also, although we will keep the tone light and casual, we won't delve
deeply into banter or stories. We’ll ask the questions that can’t be necessarily
answered, but will provoke thought and debate.

We will always ask the
listeners and the community about all the questions we ask ourselves as well as
soliciting feedback, because that’s what this is all about: gamers coming
together to discuss things that are important to them in a new venue.

we will definitely take listener suggestions for new topics, segments, etc., and
see if we can implement them reasonably. Hopefully, this spurs questions and
discussion through comments and emails, and starts a real dialogue in the