Due to a series of unfortunate events, this episode is late in the making,
but Simon and Max do their best to bring it back up to speed by talking
about a new divergence in video games, and how that's bending traditional
concepts of singleplayer and multiplayer games.

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Theme: ARP! 

Composed by: Grant Kelly

The Great DivergenceAre we beginning to see more narrative heavy games take center stage as the graphics reach a point where we can fully attach ourselves to the character(s) in the story?On the flip side, are we seeing more games moving away from single-player and instead move towards multiplayer only, like Destiny, Titanfall, The Division, etc.?Could single-player games make a return in the form of single-player/multiplayer hybrids, like Demon's Souls, Watch Dogs, Dragon's Dogma, etc.?Have budgets reached a point where it's nearly impossible to make a return of profits funding these "AAAA" titles?Would the death of Call of Duty bring about change in the industry?