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Sky was a very active student in high school - inside and outside the classroom. He was into sciences, writing and Science research projects. Research took him to the International Science Fairs starting in the sophomore year.

Sky was also very involved in the Student Government. He was the President of the Student Body in his senior year.

Sky joins our podcast to share his undergraduate college journey at Pennoni Honors College at Drexel University, Passion for Research, Winning the Goldwater Scholarship, The Truman Scholarship, Majoring in Chemistry, and Advice for High Schoolers.

In particular, we discuss the following with him: 

Drexel & Honors College Experience
UG Research
The Goldwater Scholarship, Truman and Udall Scholarships
Advice to High Schoolers

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introduction to Sky Harper, Drexel []
Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights []
Overall Drexel & Honors College Experience []
Why Drexel Honors College? []
High School Interests []
Transition to College []
UG Research []
Goldwater Scholarship Application []
The Goldwater Difference []
Getting the Truman Scholarship []
The Importance of Scholarships []
Why Chemistry Major? []
Impact of UG Research []
Advice for High Schoolers []
Memories []

Our Guests: Sky Harper is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at Drexel University and Pennoni Honors College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Memorable Quote: “My favorite thing to do on campus is just kind of hang around at the Honors College with my friends. And at the same time, every now and then some of the Honors College faculty will come out of their offices and just kind of start having casual conversations with us.” Sky Harper.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.

Similar Episodes: College Experiences , UG Research


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