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In High School, Haylie was very interested in STEM. She did a lot of research, experiments, poring over research papers. In her senior year, she found herself moving away from STEM into Political Science and Psychology. 

Haylie joins us on our podcast to share her UG Experience at CU Boulder, Studio Lab, UG Research, Climbing, and Advice for High Schoolers. 

In particular, we discuss the following with her: 

Overall Experience at CU Boulder
Studio Lab & UG Research
Majoring in Political Science & Psychology
Advice to High Schoolers

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introduction to Haylie Schramm, CU Boulder []
Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights []
Overall CU Boulder Experience []
High School Interests []
Transition to College []
Peers []
Professors []
UG Research []
Why Studio Lab? []
Studio Lab Experience []
Benefits of Studio Lab []
Year 1 Research []
Year 2 Research []
From STEM to Social Sciences []
Campus Activities - Climbing []
Impact of Research []
Advice for High Schoolers []
Memories []

Our Guests: Haylie Schramm is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Psychology at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Memorable Quote: “And actually working on a project that's going to be published has helped me refine and revise the things that I'm doing for class, and implement these projects in a meaningful way, and be able to really engage with class concepts really nicely.” Haylie Schramm.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.

Similar Episodes: College Experiences


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