PROMO: Trial by Error Variety Show (@tbevarietyshow)

SPECIAL GUEST: Dan Rockwood, Victims and Villains (@VctmsAndVillans)

SHOWNOTES: We're celebrating the 35th anniversary of one of our collective favorite franchises of all time: The Legend of Zelda! This episode of Bonus Round! Ash, Zach, Megan, and guest Dan give our top recommendations for dungeons across the Zelda series. Whether it's mainstream console titles, or portable entries, we've all got so much to say!

Collateral Gaming: Bonus Round! is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We are also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts. Also, look for us on Patreon, and become a patron at our $1 and $5 levels!

(Collateral Gaming: Bonus Round! is a Collateral Media Podcast. Intro/outro song is a license-free beat composed by Ashley Allen Chancellor in Logic Pro X. All game clips are owned by their respective creators and are used for educational purposes only. Please don’t sue us; we’re poor!)

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