Previous Episode: Do Something Bigger

Track-and-Field and writing code have their similarities. While not apparent, working with web developer teams is a collection of individuals working across several different tickets (events), using their knowledge and skills to perform their best on their tickets for the greater good of the team and company.
For this next episode with sit down with LEARN academy alumni, and Galley Software Developer, Mike LaRocca. We dive into his early years, his passion for track-and-field. Mike also discusses how one of his jobs at a BioTech company helped push his interest in learning some SQL and then fully driving him into web development.
Mike will also share some great advice current and future coding bootcamp students can take to heart to help them on their journey. Plus, we will talk about the rapid success Mike is being a part of at the local San Diego startup Galley, a platform for restaurant chefs to better manage their kitchen and data.
Special Guest: Mike LaRocca.

Track-and-Field and writing code have their similarities. While not apparent, working with web developer teams is a collection of individuals working across several different tickets (events), using their knowledge and skills to perform their best on their tickets for the greater good of the team and company.

For this next episode with sit down with LEARN academy alumni, and Galley Software Developer, Mike LaRocca. We dive into his early years, his passion for track-and-field. Mike also discusses how one of his jobs at a BioTech company helped push his interest in learning some SQL and then fully driving him into web development.

Mike will also share some great advice current and future coding bootcamp students can take to heart to help them on their journey. Plus, we will talk about the rapid success Mike is being a part of at the local San Diego startup Galley, a platform for restaurant chefs to better manage their kitchen and data.

Special Guest: Mike LaRocca.