Did you know that Sensitives & Empaths GET to move through the world differently?   

We live in a world, however, where most of us have felt like more of a burden, instead of a gift with our sensitivities & deep emotional intelligence.

Which causes us to play small & dim our light so that we don't ROCK THE F*CKING BOAT & create even more suffering for ourselves or god forbid- others!


I am on a mission to bring awareness to Sensitives & Empaths & SHOW you what it actually means to be sensitive & empathic so that you can start CELEBRATING your gifts!

Only 20% of the population is highly sensitive and/or empathic. So why would you NOT want to tap into your heightened intuition & deeper connection to self? 

Tune in to learn the SIGNS OF HIGH SENSITIVITY so that you can understand you are not alone or broken & start releasing yourself to just be you. Your fabulous authentic self:)

I also dive into HOW TO COMMUNICATE with your loved ones & friends HOW they can support you best.

SO excited for you to listen!!!!

xo, Roddy

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