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Coffee House Shots

2,092 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 days ago - ★★★★ - 134 ratings

Instant political analysis from the Spectator's top team of writers, including Fraser Nelson, Isabel Hardman, Katy Balls, James Heale and many others.

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Will Boris get the numbers he needs?

October 21, 2022 13:25 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

Whilst no candidate has officially declared their candidacy for the Tory leadership race, speculation is rife about a possible Boris Johnson return. Could he get the 100 supporters he needs? Will he extend an olive branch to Rishi Sunak?  James Heale speaks to James Forsyth and Katy Balls.  Produced by Max Jeffery and Oscar Edmondson.

Liz Truss resigns

October 20, 2022 13:16 - 11 minutes - 10.2 MB

Forty-four days into her premiership, Liz Truss said she was resigning as Prime Minister. There will now be a week-long race to elect a new leader. Who will be the contenders? Isabel Hardman speaks to Katy Balls and James Forsyth. Produced by Natasha Feroze.

Coffee House Shots Live: Another winter of discontent?

October 19, 2022 20:00 - 1 hour - 68.9 MB

Fraser Nelson, James Forsyth, Katy Balls and Kate Andrews discuss plans to stop spiralling inflation – and a spiralling government.

Braverman out. Has the great resignation begun?

October 19, 2022 17:32 - 10 minutes - 9.6 MB

Suella Braverman has resigned as Home Secretary over a row on immigration measures. Grant Shapps has been selected to replace her. Will more follow? Isabel Hardman speaks to Katy Balls and James Forsyth. 

Will there be resignations?

October 18, 2022 14:51 - 12 minutes - 11.8 MB

Another day, another u-turn. Liz Truss met with her Cabinet today and is reportedly considering u-turning on the pensions triple lock. Are ministers heading for more ‘lengthy discussions’ on public spending? Should we brace ourselves for resignations? Also on the podcast, as Hunt looks at which departments to cut, what could this mean for the NHS? Katy Balls speaks to James Forsyth and Isabel Hardman.  Produced by Oscar Edmondson. 

Was Truss hiding under a desk?

October 17, 2022 17:58 - 14 minutes - 13.1 MB

This afternoon Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt stepped in for Liz Truss to field an urgent questions called by the Leader of the Opposition. What could the Prime Minister have been doing which was so urgent that she couldn't attend? Also on the podcast, after Jeremy Hunt reverses nearly all of Trussonomics, will there be a raft of departmental cuts? Could we be looking at a number of Cabinet resignations?  James Heale speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth.  Produced by Natasha Fero...

Trussonomics is dead

October 17, 2022 11:46 - 22 minutes - 20.7 MB

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt gave a statement this morning in which he outlined plans to scrap 'almost all' the tax measures announced by his predecessor, Kwasi Kwarteng just four weeks ago. In one of the largest U-turns in history, the markets have become the most important force in British politics. James Forsyth, Katy Balls, Kate Andrews and Fraser Nelson discuss what may happen over the next few weeks. Produced by Max Jeffery and Natasha Feroze. 

Isabel Hardman's Sunday Roundup - 16/10/22

October 16, 2022 14:38 - 9 minutes - 8.56 MB

Isabel Hardman presents the highlights from Sunday's political shows. Featured today are Jeremy Hunt, Matt Hancock, Robert Halfon and Crispin Blunt. 

How long has Liz Truss got left?

October 15, 2022 14:47 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

Isabel Hardman, James Forsyth and Fraser Nelson discuss the appropriate units of time in which to measure the remainder of the Prime Minister’s tenure...

Can Truss calm the markets?

October 14, 2022 15:33 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

Liz Truss has delivered an 8-minute long press conference confirming the latest corporation tax U-turn and insisting she will stay on as Prime Minister. Did it do enough to reassure voters and calm the markets? Cindy Yu speaks to James Forsyth and Fraser Nelson. Produced by Cindy Yu and Natasha Feroze.

Truss sacks Kwarteng. What next?

October 14, 2022 13:34 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

Prime Minister Liz Truss has sacked her Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and replaced him with Jeremy Hunt. By removing her closest ideological ally. Can she save herself?  Kate Andrews speaks to Katy Balls and James Forsyth. Produced by Natasha Feroze.

What will Kwasi do?

October 14, 2022 09:48 - 9 minutes - 8.62 MB

It's one of those flight tracker days here in Westminster as Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is about to land from a trip to the IMF in Washington, cut short last night. Is the government about to U-turn on its three-week-old mini budget? If so, will the Chancellor resign? Cindy Yu talks to James Forsyth and Fraser Nelson.

Will Truss be gone by Christmas?

October 13, 2022 15:47 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

After a day of speculation, the rumours that Liz Truss was about to U-turn on more areas of the mini-budget proved untrue. Conservative MPs had a tense evening in the 1922 Committee meeting last night – are there any good options left for the Prime Minister? Isabel Hardman speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth.  Produced by Natasha Feroze.

Is Truss ruling out spending cuts?

October 12, 2022 12:45 - 8 minutes - 8.11 MB

Did Liz Truss misspeak or did she mean it when she said that she wouldn't go ahead with spending cuts, as promised in her leadership campaign? On the episode, Cindy Yu talks to James Forsyth and Katy Balls about what the Prime Minister could have meant, given the need to balance the books to pay for her tax cuts. James suggests that there may be a question over whether she meant nominal or real spending cuts. Whatever it is, the government needs to do more to reassure the markets – the team ...

What is the way out for Kwasi?

October 11, 2022 15:17 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

Parliament is back today and Kwasi Kwarteng is facing questions from the opposition as well as from those within his party. How much pressure is he under? Also on the podcast, looking ahead to another fiscal event at the end of the month, are we heading for a series of departmental spending cuts? What would our political team announce if they were Chancellor on October 31st?  Katy Balls speaks to James Forsyth and Kate Andrews.  Produced by Oscar Edmondson.

Can Truss heal the divisions within her party?

October 10, 2022 10:20 - 11 minutes - 10.3 MB

This morning the Chancellor has announced that the government will bring forward both its medium term fiscal event and the accompanying Office for Budget Responsibility forecast. Will Kwarteng exercise some spending restraint to calm the Bank of England? Also on the podcast, after Truss appointed Sunak ally Greg Hands as Minister of State for Trade Policy, is she extending an olive branch to unite her party? Natasha Feroze speaks to James Forsyth and Katy Balls. Produced by Natasha Feroze...

Isabel Hardman's Sunday Roundup - 09/10/22

October 09, 2022 16:08 - 10 minutes - 9.85 MB

Isabel Hardman presents the best bits from Sunday morning's political interview shows, with highlights today coming from Nadhim Zahawi, Nicola Sturgeon, Alistair Darling, Nadine Dorries and Jonathan Ashworth. 

How will this end?

October 08, 2022 09:00 - 16 minutes - 15.2 MB

Max Jeffery, Katy Balls and James Forsyth discuss Liz Truss's premiership and walk through the various options being cooked up to replace her.

Are Truss and Macron now 'bons amis'?

October 07, 2022 11:57 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

Liz Truss attended the European Political Community summit in Prague, where her frosty relations with Macron came to a head. Rather than 'frenemies', there were signs of thawing relations between the two. After years of diplomatic tensions over Brexit, immigration and energy, can the two leaders kiss and make up? Katy Balls speaks to Isabel Hardman and James Forsyth. Produced by Max Jeffery and Natasha Feroze.

Has Team Boris turned on Truss?

October 06, 2022 16:08 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

Nadine Dorries, a loyalist to Boris Johnson, has a front-page piece in the Times today, accusing the new Liz Truss government of lurching too far towards the right. As someone who previously backed Liz for leader, is there a growing sense people wish Boris never left?   Also on the podcast, the National Grid has suggested we may face blackouts this winter – how likely is this? And will we end up relying on energy supplies from the French? Cindy Yu speaks to Katy Balls and James Forsyth. P...

Is Truss back on track?

October 05, 2022 14:13 - 13 minutes - 12 MB

Liz Truss has today delivered her speech to the Conservative Party Conference where she set out the vision for her government. It was arguably the best moment of a difficult week for the party. Has she succeeded in calming Tory nerves? Who are the 'anti-growth coalition' that she is taking on?  Isabel Hardman speaks to James Forsyth and Katy Balls.  Produced by Max Jeffery.

Is Truss facing another rebellion?

October 04, 2022 11:26 - 11 minutes - 10.2 MB

Liz Truss is coming under pressure over another of her policies. Should she increase benefits payments in line with inflation, or in line with earnings, as she would prefer? Will the PM change her mind again? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth. Produced by Max Jeffery.

Are the Tories in the business of managing decline?

October 03, 2022 16:50 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

Kwasi Kwarteng has just spoken at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham defending his mini-Budget, despite having u-turned on the cut to the 45p tax rate this morning. Will his speech have calmed his fellow Tories and, more importantly, the markets?  Katy Balls speaks with James Forsyth, Kate Andrews and Isabel Hardman.  Produced by Max Jeffery and Oscar Edmondson. 

Why has Truss u-turned?

October 03, 2022 09:31 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

The Prime Minister has abandoned her plan to scrap the top 45 per cent rate of income tax. Why? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth. Produced by Max Jeffery.

Isabel Hardman's Sunday Roundup - 02/10/22

October 02, 2022 15:55 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

Isabel Hardman presents the highlights from Sunday morning's political shows as the Conservative party conference enters the spotlight. Featured in today's podcast are Liz Truss, Michael Gove, Jake Berry and Mel Stride. 

Did Gove just torpedo Truss?

October 02, 2022 14:07 - 13 minutes - 12.4 MB

Michael Gove this morning said that Liz Truss's plans to scrap the top 45 per cent tax rate are a 'display of the wrong values'. It comes as Jake Berry, the Tory party chairman, confirmed that MPs who vote against the budget would lose the Conservative whip. Has Gove just ruined Truss's conference? James Heale speaks to Fraser Nelson and Katy Balls. Produced by Max Jeffery.

Is Tory conference going to be a meltdown?

October 01, 2022 09:00 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Isabel Hardman, James Forsyth and Katy Balls discuss whether Liz Truss will be able to recover her authority after several opinion polls show the Conservative party trailing Labour by double digit margins. 

Liz Truss's mea cupla moment

September 30, 2022 12:35 - 11 minutes - 10.5 MB

Despite rejecting the Office for Budget Responsibility's offer of a forecast to accompany last week's so-called fiscal event, this morning it appears that the government have u-turned. What can we expect from the OBR's statement ahead of the November budget?  Also on the podcast, after last night's YouGov poll put Labour ahead by 33 points, how has the news been received by Conservative MPs? Will Truss row back on her economic plans? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth.  ...

Will Truss axe Kwarteng?

September 29, 2022 16:07 - 22 minutes - 20.9 MB

Liz Truss broke her silence this morning and embarked on a pre-Tory conference media round of regional stations across the UK. In a brutal set of interviews, the Prime Minister faced questions on tax cutting the rich at the expense of the poor, fracking and bankers' bonuses.  With the conference just three days away, what will be her next moves to take back control of her party, and win back the British public? Could Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng be sacrificed to save her instead? Katy Balls ...

Why is the Bank of England buying gilts?

September 28, 2022 16:07 - 18 minutes - 17 MB

The Bank of England has today announced a major intervention into gilts to prevent a 'material risk' to financial stability as a result of government policy. How unprecedented is this move? Will Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng break their silence? Are we heading for another leadership election? Kate Andrews speaks with Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth.  Produced by Oscar Edmondson.

Is Starmer ready for No.10?

September 27, 2022 16:05 - 9 minutes - 9.12 MB

Keir Stamer took centre stage for his speech at the Labour party conference today. Unlike last year, there were several standing ovations and loud cheers from the audience. Was his speech one to remember in Labour's history? And has he secured his position as the man to lead Labour back into government? James Heale speaks to Katy Ball and Isabel Hardman. Produced by Natasha Feroze.

Is Labour on the cusp of victory?

September 26, 2022 14:17 - 12 minutes - 11.6 MB

It's day two of Labour Conference and the party appear upbeat and confident of their chances at the next election. But are they being too reactionary in their narrative? What do they have to offer other than not being the Conservative party? From Liverpool, James Heale speaks to Katy Balls and Isabel Hardman. Produced by Oscar Edmondson. 

How worrying is the falling pound?

September 26, 2022 12:25 - 18 minutes - 17 MB

Following Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng's 'mini' budget, the pound has fallen to a record low against the dollar, fueling speculation that the Bank of England will hike interest rates. How worrying are these figures? 'I think the pound falling is a bit of a distraction from the real problem' - James Forsyth Katy Balls speaks to Kate Andrews and James Forsyth. Produced by Natasha Feroze

Isabel Hardman's Sunday Roundup - 25/09/22

September 25, 2022 16:48 - 11 minutes - 10.9 MB

Isabel Hardman rounds up the highlights from Sunday's political shows as the Labour party conference begins. Highlights this week come from Sir Keir Starmer, Andy Burnham, Kwasi Kwarteng and Mick Lynch. 

How will Labour react to the mini-budget?

September 24, 2022 09:00 - 13 minutes - 12 MB

Kate Andrews speaks to James Forsyth and Katy Balls about how Labour will position themselves in response to Friday’s statement, as they prepare for their party conference in Liverpool.

Kwarteng's audacious budget

September 23, 2022 11:32 - 16 minutes - 15.3 MB

Kwasi Kwarteng has today announced what has been dubbed as his mini-Budget, but looking at the scale of the package it is far from small. The Coffee House Shots team take us through what has been revealed. Who are the winners and who are the losers? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson, James Forsyth and Kate Andrews.  Produced by Oscar Edmondson. 

NI rise scrapped: how much further will Kwasi go?

September 22, 2022 17:17 - 15 minutes - 14.4 MB

With hours to go till the Chancellor's fiscal statement, we've heard today that the National Insurance hike will be scrapped, as promised during Liz Truss's leadership campaign. This comes as the Bank of England increases the base rate to 2.25 per cent. How much further will Kwasi Kwarteng go, and just how willing is the Truss government to be unpopular? Katy Balls talks to James Forsyth and Isabel Hardman. Produced by Cindy Yu.

What's behind Putin's mobilisation?

September 21, 2022 13:40 - 14 minutes - 13.7 MB

Vladimir Putin warned the West that, if pushed, Russia would use a nuclear weapon. How seriously should we take his threat? And reports emerged overnight that Liz Truss will cut stamp duty to increase demand for housing. But will that help more people get onto the housing ladder?  Katy Balls speaks to James Forsyth and Isabel Hardman. Produced by Max Jeffery.

Why is Liz Truss ruling out a US trade deal?

September 20, 2022 12:07 - 13 minutes - 12.7 MB

Liz Truss is in New York today on her first foreign visit as prime minister. On the flight across the Atlantic, Truss said that a trade deal with the United States was unlikely in the 'short to medium term'. Why has the PM, who was so vocal about a free trade agreement with the US in the 2019 election, changed her tune?  Cindy Yu speaks to James Forsyth and Katy Balls.  Produced by Cindy Yu and Max Jeffery.

How will Queen Elizabeth II be remembered?

September 19, 2022 15:42 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

Today was the state funeral of Britain's longest reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II. From Westminster, we evaluate the day's proceedings. Also on the podcast, as the period of mourning ends and politics resumes, can Liz Truss hit the ground running? Will we get some clarity on how much her energy plan will cost? Katy Balls speaks with Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth. Produced by Oscar Edmondson.

Isabel Hardman's Sunday Roundup - 18/09/22

September 18, 2022 16:16 - 10 minutes - 9.52 MB

Isabel Hardman rounds up the highlights from Sunday morning's political shows. Today's podcast features Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Jacinda Ardern, Sheikh Hasina, John Kerry and The Right Reverend John Sentamu. 

How did the Queen change the world?

September 17, 2022 09:00 - 15 minutes - 14.5 MB

Cindy Yu, James Forsyth and Fraser Nelson discuss the impression Queen Elizabeth II made during her 70 years as a head of state. 

Can the Met fix London's spiralling crime problem?

September 16, 2022 12:58 - 9 minutes - 9.04 MB

Two police officers were stabbed this morning near Leicester Square in central London. What can new Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley do to fix the capital's crime epidemic? And the pound today fell to a 37-year low against the dollar. What can the government do to give the markets confidence? Max Jeffery speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth. Produced by Max Jeffery.

Who will be at the Queen's funeral?

September 15, 2022 11:37 - 14 minutes - 13.4 MB

Preparations are well under way for the Queen's funeral next week, but which world leaders will be in attendance? Will they all be able to behave themselves?  Also on the podcast, as the new Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng works quietly in the background, is his idea to scrap caps on banker's bonuses a risk worth taking?  Cindy Yu speaks with James Forsyth and Katy Balls.  Produced by Cindy Yu and Oscar Edmondson. 

What will happen while the Queen lies in state?

September 14, 2022 18:11 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

The Queen's coffin has been taken from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall. Mourners will pay their respects for the next four days before the funeral on Monday. Also on the podcast, James Forsyth and Fraser Nelson discuss the latest news in the Ukraine conflict. 

What was the message behind King Charles's visit to Belfast?

September 13, 2022 16:32 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

King Charles arrived in Belfast where he was met by the new Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Chris Heaton-Harris. The King pledged to follow the 'shining example' set by his mother during her life of public service. Tonight, the Queen's body will be moved from Edinburgh to Buckingham Palace where her body will lie in state ahead of the funeral.  Also on the podcast, is Ukraine's largest counteroffensive against Russia working? And how might Russia escalate? Katy Balls talks to Jame...

King Charles III addresses parliament

September 12, 2022 13:18 - 16 minutes - 15.1 MB

This morning, surrounded by the lead, oak and stone of Westminster Hall, King Charles III addressed parliament. Lindsay Hoyle, speaker of the Commons, introduced him, and said that he knew the new King would 'bear those responsibilities which fall to you'. King Charles said that he was resolved to follow his mother's 'selfless duty'.  Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth about what comes next.  Produced by Max Jeffery.

Isabel Hardman's Sunday Roundup - 11/09/22

September 11, 2022 14:04 - 10 minutes - 9.89 MB

Isabel Hardman hosts the highlights from Sunday's political shows, with Anthony Albanese, Gordon Brown, Gabriel Gavin, Dr Mike Martin and David Cameron.

Queen Elizabeth II: coronation, reign and succession

September 10, 2022 09:56 - 11 minutes - 11 MB

Freddy Gray, The Spectator's deputy editor, is joined by our former editor Charles Moore, and our political editor James Forsyth, to discuss the Queen's death. What was her coronation like? Should unionists be concerned? How important was the Queen's faith to her? What do we miss about the Queen?

Queen Elizabeth II, our remarkable monarch

September 08, 2022 20:04 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Fraser Nelson, James Forsyth and Katy Balls pay tribute to and reflect upon the life and reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 


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