Chad Lingafelt chats with Lars Johnston of Calgary Lock & Safe & Tony Hokanson of Assured Security all about Business Acquisitions.

Today we are getting a little niche within the Security Industry with our expert panel to talk about Acquisitions.

Are you are looking to expand and purchase another business? Perhaps you are looking to retire and want to evaluate your business to see what it would be worth in the open market?

Chad, Lars, and Tony have all experienced multiple business acquisitions (at least 5ish) and today they share their knowledge and experience with you! Buckle in for a in depth conversation so full of information about acquiring a business that we had to split it into 2 episodes!

In part 1, we discuss some of the things to be looking for when you are considering purchasing a business.

1. Intentionality: know why you are acquiring; is it for assets, location, growth?

2. Skill sets: what skill sets does the business have? Are they experts in a specific field?

3. Location: Are you looking to expand your reach in your area with additional store fronts?

4. Staff: Do you need more support personnel or in field techs?

We also talk about the Challenges that you can face when acquiring a business.

If you’ve added employees to your business, how does it change your structure? What’s your Branding going to look like? What does communication look like with customers and the new team additions?

This is a great conversation for folks looking to acquire a business!

Subscribe today for Part 2 where we discuss some of the things you need to consider when preparing your business to be sold. Are you looking for an exit? Tired of dealing with the day to day struggles and headaches that come along with running a business?

Looking to Sell Your Business? Connect with Chad Lingafelt for a Free Exploratory Call.

Connect with Tony Hokanson and Assured Security

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Connect with Lars Johnston and Calgary Lock & Safe

Website Calgary:
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LinkedIn Lars:
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