Have you ever cleaned out your closet? I mean, like CLEANED your closet... take everything out, bare shelves and walls type clean! I have. And it's an exhausting process. But it had to be done, we had not one inch of space left! And what we realized when we were putting things back in, there wasn't even HALF left. It was. all either garbage, didn't fit, or wasn't being used! So what's the lesson here? If we keep our "closets" full of things that have outgrown us, aren't serving us, or are no longer useful to us, then we will have NO room left for the things we deeply, truly want! Radical Empowerment Method Book WAITLIST: https://www.coachcarriev.com/radical-empowerment-book-waitlistContact CarrieVee!IG: @iamcarrieveeLI and FB: Carrie Verrocchioemail: [email protected]