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Change is part of our lives. We move from one role to another, in both our personal and professional lives. Some people might be unhappy with their lives, but afraid to move on, some others don’t know what to do next. Elizabeth Ribons is an entrepreneur, speaker, and founder of NEXT Career & Life, a podcast and community where women can find resources and support to take their next step. In today’s show, we talk about how to recycle yourself and how to discover what you want to do. It doesn’t matter if you want to find a new career path or embrace a new role in your personal life, for Elizabeth it’s all about figuring out where you are in life, and what you need. 

Because what we needed when we were 20 years old, might not be the same when we are in our 40s, but the process of finding out is very similar, and it’s never too late to start.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

What you need to take the next step into your life. Elizabeth knows that it is never too late to reinvent yourself because we are constantly changing and evolving.Know yourself and where you are in life right now. Ask yourself what fits into your life and what do you need.How to be a scraper? All the roles that you had in your life, all your experience, everything that you learned can be put to good use. Elizabeth gives several tips for anyone that wants to start a business. What should you do before making the jump? How can you find the right mentor?


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