Jeff interviews Kassandra Perch, an engineering evangelist at RetailMeNot and an instructor for Girl Develop It!, to discuss modular JS architectures and lessons learned from teaching JavaScript

Episode InfoEpisode NotesLinksVideo / Slides

Episode Info

Episode: CW 011
Published: August 20th, 2014
Tags: nodejs, js,jsconf
Duration: 11:37

Episode Notes

04:08 - Being judicious about choosing frameworks
05:10 - Frameworks which combine other components
05:38 - Examples of modular frameworks
06:21 - Insights from teaching at Girl Develop It!
07:00 - Students learn in different ways
08:10 - Format for classes, gradually building
09:50 - Challenges in learning JavaScript


Kassandra Perch’s blog - EUNKNOWN
Girl Develop It! - Austin, TX chapter
Kassandra Perch’s twitter
Jeff Barczewski, Founder, CodeWinds twitter
CodeWinds twitter

Video / Slides

Watch Kassandra Perch’s JSConf talk on YouTube


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