Jeff Barczewski and Saul Maddox discuss the Hapi-Ninja boilerplate project and the underlying technology (Hapi Node.js web framework, Swig templates, Gulp task runner)

Saul Maddox, a software engineer for PROS, joins me in this episode of CodeWinds to discuss his Hapi-Ninja boilerplate which helps developers get up and running with the Hapi Node.js web framework.

We discuss in detail the stack he has chosen and the reasons for selecting each:

Hapijs Node.js web framework
Swig templates
Gulp javascript streaming task runner
Plugins he has included for assets and routes

Saul explains the file structure of Hapi-Ninja mentioning how to configure and get up and running with Hapi quickly and easily.

Episode InfoEpisode NotesEpisode timelineGetting started with Hapi-NinjaLinks from ShowFollowing Saul Maddox

Episode Info

Episode: CW 005
Published: April 7th, 2014
Tags: js, nodejs,web,framework,boilerplate
Duration: 34:17

Episode Notes
Episode timeline

02:06 - Introduction to the Hapi-Ninja boilerplate
05:44 - Details of Hapi-Ninja stack
06:00 - Hapi Node.js web framework
08:34 - Swig javascript templates
11:17 - Gulp Node.js streaming task runner
13:52 - Getting started with Hapi-Ninja boilerplate
14:44 - Using a watcher like node-supervisor to auto reload
15:47 - Hapi-Ninja file structure
18:38 - Configuration
18:55 - Hapi-Assets plugin for minimizing and concatenating assets
21:42 - Hapi-Named-Routes plugin
23:31 - Hapi-Cache Buster plugin for easier browser reloading in development
25:26 - Easy switching from full frontend app (PhoneGap) to a frontend and server using same folder structure
27:02 - Hapi-Ninja code is commented heavily to help new users learn
27:41 - Upgrading from Hapi 2.x to 3.x
28:37 - Contributing
30:08 - Other projects
30:25 - Ever Stain project - legacy website for being remembered
32:16 - Following Saul

Getting started with Hapi-Ninja

Install Nodejs
Clone repo from GitHub
Change working directory into the new path
Install dependencies from npm

# after installing Node.js
git clone
cd hapi-ninja
npm install
Links from Show

Hapi-Ninja boilerplate GitHub Repo
Hapijs Node.js web framework
Swig templates
Gulp javascript streaming task runner
Hapi-Named-Routes plugin for using named routes
Hapi-Assets plugin for automatically minimizing and concatenating assets
Hapi-Cache-Buster plugin which helps with serving fresh content in development
Ever Stain legacy website coming soon by Saul Maddox. How will you be remembered?

Following Saul Maddox

Saul Maddox GitHub
Saul Maddox Twitter

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