Leslie Hitchcock started her career writing white papers on information security. Now, she organizes some of the largest hackathons and tech events in the world for TechCrunch. She shares her tips on how new developers can make the most out of a hackathon, what types of coding projects people work on, and how she helps make hackathons more inclusive. Show Links Partner with Dev & CodeNewbie! (sponsor) GroupMe Alexandra Jordan Titstare TechCrunch Disrupt TechCrunch Ford Sync Black Girls Code TechCrunch Include Stuxnet virus Codeland, our CodeNewbie conference Codeland Conf Codeland 2019

Leslie Hitchcock started her career writing white papers on information security. Now, she organizes some of the largest hackathons and tech events in the world for TechCrunch. She shares her tips on how new developers can make the most out of a hackathon, what types of coding projects people work on, and how she helps make hackathons more inclusive.

Show Links Partner with Dev & CodeNewbie! (sponsor) GroupMe Alexandra Jordan Titstare TechCrunch Disrupt TechCrunch Ford Sync Black Girls Code TechCrunch Include Stuxnet virus Codeland, our CodeNewbie conference Codeland Conf Codeland 2019 Leslie Hitchcock

Leslie is a senior executive at TechCrunch, producing the TechCrunch Disrupt Conference and Hackathon. Leslie also writes for TechCrunch and maintains her own blog reviewing startups and tech products at Leslie Just Joined. She is very widely networked in tech, in Silicon Valley, Israel, and Europe, and has deep insight into startups, investment, and PR. TechCrunch is the leading publication about tech and startups, and building on this TechCrunch Disrupt is a leading global tech conference.