2023 Code Changes to Chapters 8, 9, and Annexes
This podcast is a summary of lectures that I give for Electrical Continuing Education based in Spokane WA, USA. If you would like the lecture notes for the podcasts, visit our website at www.inw-training.com and select Podcast in the menu items.
There are no show notes for this episode, but some excellent articles have been published in the trade journals. Check out https://iaeimagazine.org/ and https://www.ecmweb.com/magazine
Code book information: Free Online Access at NFPA.ORG
intro and outro sound effects:
Charging Power by Javier Zumer https://freesound.org/s/257229/
Jace Atkins by rescuedsheep https://freesound.org/s/346125/
Metal Door by avakas https://freesound.org/s/172364/