Welcome to Code Completion, Episode 138! We are a group of iOS developers and educators hoping to share what we love most about development, Apple technology, and completing your code!
Follow us @CodeCompletion (https://mastodon.social/@CodeCompletion) on Mastodon to hear about our upcoming livestreams, videos, and other content.
Today, we discuss:
- Dimitri released an update to Bytes:
- Bytes (https://github.com/mochidev/Bytes)
- CodableDatastore (https://github.com/mochidev/CodableDatastore)
- Swift Package Index now supports visionOS:
- Swift Package Index (https://blog.swiftpackageindex.com/posts/supporting-visionos/)
- PSA: Don’t conform types you don’t own to Protocols you didn’t write (https://forums.swift.org/t/retroactive-conformances-vs-swift-in-the-os/14393/2)
- Apollo is shutting down for good:
- Christian Selig (https://mastodon.social/@christianselig/110623957828995693)
- Eulogy (https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14nb5qs/today_is_apollo_for_reddits_last_day_and_i_just/)
- Reddit plagued with 1-star reviews (https://9to5mac.com/2023/06/28/reddit-schmeddit/)
- iOS 17 Photos can interpret Laundry symbols:
- Federico Viticci (https://mastodon.macstories.net/@viticci/110622299384488214)
- Fedifinder is back!
- Fedifinder (https://fedifinder.glitch.me/)
- You can combine SF Symbols now!
- Axel Le Pennec (https://iosdev.space/@alpennec/110614941214441940)
- Enable Stage Manager in the simulator:
- Gui Rambo (https://mastodon.social/@_inside/110593591881593077)
- Enable old logging in Xcode 15:
- Craig Hockenberry (https://mastodon.social/@chockenberry/110629489960926928)
- Apple enabling Passkeys on Apple IDs:
- Mustafa Yusuf (https://mastodon.world/@mufasayc/110597390808135761)
- Rumored 30-in iMac and second-gen Apple Watch Ultra:
- 9to5mac (https://9to5mac.com/2023/06/25/new-apple-watch-ultra-imac-pro/)
- Code Completion Tip: Serializing Strings:
- Rob Napier (https://mastodon.social/@cocoaphony/110629477139135223)
- Mini Review Corner: Orchard Mac minis:
- Orchard Resales (https://orchardresales.com)
- Completion Curiosities:
- Unraveling the JPEG (https://digipres.club/@ashley/110585248935047809)
- Camera in Blender (https://hachyderm.io/@xek/110583849574689229)
- Commented Out: CodableDatastore and First-time Parenting
Your hosts for this week:
* Spencer Curtis (https://mastodon.social/@SpencerCCurtis)
* Dimitri Bouniol (https://mastodon.social/@DimitriBouniol)
Be sure to also sign up to our monthly newsletter (https://codecompletion.io/), where we will recap the topics we discussed, reveal the answers to #CompleteTheCode, and share even more things we learned in between episodes.
You are what makes this show possible, so please be sure to share this with your friends and family who are also interested in any part of the app development process.
This week's episode of Code Completion is brought to you by Super Easy Timer. Search for Super Easy Timer on the Mac App Store to give it a try: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1525104124?mt=12

Welcome to Code Completion, Episode 138! We are a group of iOS developers and educators hoping to share what we love most about development, Apple technology, and completing your code!

Follow us @CodeCompletion on Mastodon to hear about our upcoming livestreams, videos, and other content.

Today, we discuss:

Dimitri released an update to Bytes:


Swift Package Index now supports visionOS:

Swift Package Index
PSA: Don’t conform types you don’t own to Protocols you didn’t write

Apollo is shutting down for good:

Christian Selig
Reddit plagued with 1-star reviews

iOS 17 Photos can interpret Laundry symbols:

Federico Viticci

Fedifinder is back!


You can combine SF Symbols now!

Axel Le Pennec

Enable Stage Manager in the simulator:

Gui Rambo

Enable old logging in Xcode 15:

Craig Hockenberry

Apple enabling Passkeys on Apple IDs:

Mustafa Yusuf

Rumored 30-in iMac and second-gen Apple Watch Ultra:


Code Completion Tip: Serializing Strings:

Rob Napier

Mini Review Corner: Orchard Mac minis:

Orchard Resales

Completion Curiosities:

Unraveling the JPEG
Camera in Blender

Commented Out: CodableDatastore and First-time Parenting

Your hosts for this week:

Spencer Curtis
Dimitri Bouniol

Be sure to also sign up to our monthly newsletter, where we will recap the topics we discussed, reveal the answers to #CompleteTheCode, and share even more things we learned in between episodes.

You are what makes this show possible, so please be sure to share this with your friends and family who are also interested in any part of the app development process.


This week's episode of Code Completion is brought to you by Super Easy Timer. Search for Super Easy Timer on the Mac App Store to give it a try: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1525104124?mt=12