Arvid and his partner Danielle just sold their company, Feedback Panda, after scaling it to a $55k MRR in just under two years. The product is aimed at online English teachers serving the Chinese market, but they were working from Germany.

We talked a bit about how he evaluated the market opportunity in online English teacher pains Danielle identified. I also asked Arvid how he thought about how much and where to invest engineering efforts, the pros and cons of open metrics for startups, book recommendations and more.

I was definitely in this conversation to learn as much as possible to apply to my own bootstrapping efforts!

Arvid on Twitter:

Feedback Panda's acquisition announcement on IH:

Also mentioned:
- Microconf

- The Membership Economy
- Built to Sell
- The 4-Hour Workweek

Transcripts posted at Alchemist.Camp/podcasts

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