After an unplanned two-week hiatus, the Original Theme Park Podcast is back and ready to continue our travels through time.

This week, we're combining the time travel rules from Back to the Future, Bill and Ted, Time Cop, The Time Traveler's Wife and Quantum Leap to listen in on one of our favorite shows from the past.

We'll head back to January of 2006 to hear the "Joint Chiefs ™" talk about the pros and cons of paying to get to the front of the line.

And since we have a Time Machine, we just might try to head into the future to see if the parks have taken the idea of "Pay for Play" too far!

We'll also hear a Live Trip Report from two of our newest listeners who just got to check out the updated version of "Star Tours."  Plus, we'll have news about how EB's son Mark is a bona fide television star in the theme park universe! And, we'll have an update on the NPH Project!