A few weeks ago, we celebrated the 6th Anniversary of this crazy podcast.

EB and I got a little nostalgic for the old days.  So, after a movie marathon where we watched Back to the Future Parts I, II and III while drinking nothing but Diet Mountain Dew, we had an inspiration!

We would build our own time machine and go back to listen to a show featuring a past version of ourselves.

This week, EB and I head back to September 26, 2005 to hear a show featuring Flava and Greg K.  The topic that week, was "Dating at the Theme Park."

We'll listen to our 2005 commentary on the topic and then go "Back to the Future" so we can give you our 2011 take on things.  Let's just all be careful we don't cause a temporal paradox, OK?

We also hear about EB's Opening Day trip to Holiday World and listen to a Live Trip Report from the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk!