Discussions about leadership are often hyper-focused on goal setting, communication, and the development of the self and others. While those specific factors are important, leadership is more than that, and as leaders and coaches, we must become willing to broaden our leadership principles. 

Even broader than how we define leadership, humanity is made up of people who come from all walks of life, and part of our duty is to expand our frameworks to encompass the people we connect with. 

Tanya Martinez-Gallinucci, Esq. is here today to discuss Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B) and how we can integrate them into our leadership principles. She is the Executive Director for the Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging for the New York City Bar Association. She got her BA from Yale and her Master’s from City College before earning her Law degree from Columbia Law School. Beyond her professional duty, Tanya is passionate about making DEI and B more prevalent in the discussion of leadership, educating people, and developing programs for young associates and students to help diversify the industry.  

Catch the full discussion in this episode of Coaching Through Stories. 

Key Points: 

Shifting leadership frameworks to include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging best practices.  The impact of creating spaces where people can belong, and why we should direct more energy into improving these efforts.  The benefits of coaching as a tool for intrapersonal and interpersonal development. 

Episode Highlights 

[00:00] Introduction  [01:25] Tanya Martinez-Gallinucci, Esq., her background, and work  [05:17] Building awareness on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging  [07:40] Tanya as the Director for the Office for DEI and B  [16:15] On the impact of coaching on Tanya’s life  [19:55] The shift in Tanya’s story from not belonging to belonging  [24:12] How Tanya moved beyond the limiting external biases that can hinder complete belonging  [30:40] On misconceptions about coaching and the benefits of it at every professional level  [37:18] Tanya’s advice on how to move on from your limiting stories  [41:43] On continuing to navigate external challenges to show up as her whole self  [45:56] Balancing boundaries in a way that doesn’t compromise your career  [51:09] On the challenges and progress she has faced and achieved regarding DEI and B.  [56:49] Becoming more intentional when growing beyond your personal unconscious biases  [1:01:08] How leaders can be part of changing systems to become more inclusive   [1:04:17] What aspiring leaders can do to further their career growth while helping uncover the unconscious biases  [1:06:18] Tanya’s one-book recommendation: there’s no one book. 

Resources Mentioned: 

What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful by Marshall Goldwin  How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi  The Wake Up: Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change by Michelle Mijung Kim 

Discussions about leadership are often hyper-focused on goal setting, communication, and the development of the self and others. While those specific factors are important, leadership is more than that, and as leaders and coaches, we must become willing to broaden our leadership principles. 

Even broader than how we define leadership, humanity is made up of people who come from all walks of life, and part of our duty is to expand our frameworks to encompass the people we connect with. 

Tanya Martinez-Gallinucci, Esq. is here today to discuss Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B) and how we can integrate them into our leadership principles. She is the Executive Director for the Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging for the New York City Bar Association. She got her BA from Yale and her Master’s from City College before earning her Law degree from Columbia Law School. Beyond her professional duty, Tanya is passionate about making DEI and B more prevalent in the discussion of leadership, educating people, and developing programs for young associates and students to help diversify the industry.  

Catch the full discussion in this episode of Coaching Through Stories. 

Key Points: 

Shifting leadership frameworks to include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging best practices.  The impact of creating spaces where people can belong, and why we should direct more energy into improving these efforts.  The benefits of coaching as a tool for intrapersonal and interpersonal development. 

Episode Highlights 

[00:00] Introduction  [01:25] Tanya Martinez-Gallinucci, Esq., her background, and work  [05:17] Building awareness on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging  [07:40] Tanya as the Director for the Office for DEI and B  [16:15] On the impact of coaching on Tanya’s life  [19:55] The shift in Tanya’s story from not belonging to belonging  [24:12] How Tanya moved beyond the limiting external biases that can hinder complete belonging  [30:40] On misconceptions about coaching and the benefits of it at every professional level  [37:18] Tanya’s advice on how to move on from your limiting stories  [41:43] On continuing to navigate external challenges to show up as her whole self  [45:56] Balancing boundaries in a way that doesn’t compromise your career  [51:09] On the challenges and progress she has faced and achieved regarding DEI and B.  [56:49] Becoming more intentional when growing beyond your personal unconscious biases  [1:01:08] How leaders can be part of changing systems to become more inclusive   [1:04:17] What aspiring leaders can do to further their career growth while helping uncover the unconscious biases  [1:06:18] Tanya’s one-book recommendation: there’s no one book. 

Resources Mentioned: 

What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful by Marshall Goldwin  How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi  The Wake Up: Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change by Michelle Mijung Kim