No matter what the excuse is – no matter how legit it sounds or feels to you – no matter how many people around you confirm what an awesome excuse you have for not making as much money in this business as you’d like, it’s a bad excuse.


Winners don’t have excuses…just annoying obstacles to work around or smash their way through.


How do you achieve more?

More clients?

More money?

More impact?


You achieve these results by kicking your excuses to the curb.  Every last one of them.

Don't think you have an "excuse" problem?  Here's a quick quiz for you:

How many high-value posts have you made on your social media platform of choice?
In the last month, how many prospects have you connected with, responded to or followed up with that actually resulted in a strategy session/sales call?
In the last month, how many people have you made an offer to?
Whatever that number is, how many of those prospects have hired you?
Out of those people who initially said “no”, how many of them have you offered something slightly lower-ticket (a course, a group program, etc)?
Of those, how many times have you followed up with the people who initially said no (either through email, social media messenger, etc)?
How many strategy sessions/sales calls do you have scheduled for this coming month?


How did you do?


If you scored a lot of goose-eggs, that's an indication that you've got some fixin' to do.

Let's talk about how you do that!



CoachSwap is a brand new community for swapping coaching sessions, sales calls, guided meditations, group coaching sessions and much more!


It's the fastest way to gain experience and confidence as a coach in 2020!


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